Minutes from Governing Body Meeting September 2020
Governing Body Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2020
HS Media Center/Zoom
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Kathy Commeret, Tim Olson, Mandy Rodriquez, Sarah Weber, Gina McCambridge, Sarah Anderson, Lisa Czypera, Amanda Hite, Judy Humphreys, & Deb Stuart.
Meeting called to order at 5:39 p.m.
Approved minutes from February & today’s agenda.
President’s report:
Signed a letter of agreement re: changes in working conditions that differ from the contract (all over Kent county issues related to pandemic are contentious; districts & unions in conflict, so we are fortunate to have an agreeable working relationship with CPPS administration). From the union’s perspective the huge win from the LOA-- district conceded that employees who become ill with COVID and cannot work remotely will NOT be docked from their sick bank.
LOA will be posted on our newsletter - refer all questions to Kathy.
New Positions
Linda Mohney, building rep from Greenridge; she will also represent itinerant staff.
Amanda Hite - Membership Chair - we haven’t had one in a while - effective immediately, reports will go to Amanda, rather than Sarah.
Lisa Czypera, building rep from Pine Island Elementary (replacing Missi Stein).
CPEEA Bylaws & Constitution
Our bylaws and constitution are very outdated & have not been approved by the MEA since 2008.
We need to form a committee to review (see action items).
Addenda Committee
Prior to bargaining this coming spring, a committee needs to review the addenda to analyze positions, language & pay (see action items).
Board of Education Meetings
Members of the gov. body have been attending CPPS Board of Ed. meetings. They’ve noted that having an audience changes the way that Board members behave and we can learn a lot by attending. The current sentiment of union observers is that feels Board members (with a couple of exceptions) do not question anything the Superintendent says.
We agreed that we should have at least one union member at every BOE meeting.
Board of Education Candidates (on the ballot Nov 2020)
While we do not have time to conduct a process for endorsing particular candidates, the following are considered to be union-friendly:
Teresa Bueche
Dave Hood
Update on return to school
Elementary students will be going back to school in a full, face-to-face format beginning on September 28 (4 days per week). Secondary continues with the current plan; two week notice would be given to staff, students & parents before a change.
Elementary students still don’t have their chromebooks. Parents have been very understanding.
General Membership Mtg.
(Our bylaws call for us to hold 2 general membership meetings during the school year.) A suggestion was made to hold the first via Zoom to accommodate schedules and to plan the date to coincide with MESSA’s open enrollment period, which begins at the end of October/beginning of November. Renee will be holding zoom meetings on Oct 6 & 7to provide information re: the new essentials plan. Those members whose current plans are going away will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Kathy will set a meeting time/date and invite members in good standing.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
Fund balance is currently up from increased membership & fewer payouts at the end of last year due to fewer meetings during COVID pandemic lockdown. Suggested additions to this year’s budget:
Pay to send representatives to board of education meetings.
Bring back local union scholarships for college bound CP seniors.
Fund representation at MEA conference.
Finance Committee
According to the bylaws, we should form a finance committee to propose the yearly budget. (See action items.)
5. Vice President (EA) Report:
Long term subs
Tim is analyzing the true yearly cost of long-term subs. Marty Eischer (new director of finance) has suggested that $210,000 should be held in reserve to pay long-term sub salaries; however, if realistically, the amount is much less, there would be more money available to the district at bargaining.
Building rep vacancy
Tim is trying to recruit a building rep for Mill Creek Middle School
6. Vice President (Support Staff):
Letter of Agreement - highlights
Very similar certified LOA - support staff who cannot work due to covid will not be docked from their sick bank.
Also of note: With regard to the quarantining of students & the use of isolation rooms at school -LOA stipulates that no support staff can be mandated to care for students who are covid symptomatic.
7. Old Business (table discussions on Stoney Creek until next meeting; Angie Freeland absent).
8. New Business
A motion was made to form an Addenda committee to prepare for bargaining in 2021; it was seconded and passed.
A motion was made to form a finance committee in the spring; it was seconded and passed.
A motion was made to maintain the current budget (essentially the 2019-2020 budget) since a finance committee will not be formed until spring 2021; it was seconded and passed.
9. Q & A:
Q: Whose responsibility is it to assign duties for parapros on Wednesdays?
A: It was determined during bargaining that building administrators would find alternate shift duties so that support staff employees can maintain their full hours (whatever those may be for the individual staff member); parapros are to be held harmless -- should be paid - building admin needs to provide the tasks.
Q: Can the class advisors refuse to provide Class of 2020 *leftover funds for the Renaissance Program?
A: No; and if the class advisor would like union representation at the meeting with the HS administrator, we will provide it. The union’s position is that if building administrators need funds, they should request them from Central Office. Despite their frequent claim that there is “no money,” the union believes this is not true.
*The class of 2020 had approximately $6000 remaining in their account. It was originally earmarked to partially fund the senior class trip, which was cancelled. The advisors proposed donating ½ to the class of 2021 and ½ to the class of 2022. A HS administrator wants it to be divided into three sums, with a ⅓ donated to the Renaissance program.
10. Next meeting October 15, 2020.
11. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
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