ESP Letter of Agreement


Comstock Park Public Schools (CPPS) 


Comstock Park Educational Employees 

Association (CPESP) 



In response to Michigan Executive Order 142 requiring all school districts to prepare three Preparedness Response Plans (PRP) informed by the Michigan Return to Learn Roadmap in conjunction with any unionized employee groups, the following agreement is set forth to amend the conditions of employment for bargaining unit members of the Comstock Park Educational Support Professional Employees (CPESP) 

We agree that the physical health and well-being of students, families, and employees should be the first priority of the Comstock Park Public Schools Preparedness Response plans, and to that end: 

Conditions for In-Person Learning: 

A. All staff and students, unless proven medically unable by medical documentation, shall wear facial coverings, as described by the Michigan Safe Schools Roadmap, in Phases 4 and 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. The student handbook shall be followed to determine appropriate discipline for students who refuse to wear facial coverings. 

B. Using 6 feet as a standard guideline for social distancing, social distancing in buildings will be maintained to the greatest extent possible. At no time, during Phases 4 and 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan, will employees be required to be less than 3 feet from a student, barring an emergency situation. 

C. The district shall provide all necessary and proper PPE for Support staff in order to assure their safety. This includes, but is not limited to: non-medical grade disposable facial masks for all students and staff, face shields for any staff who wish to use them, sanitizing wipes and sprays, hand sanitizers, proper sanitary gowns/coverings, gloves and plexiglass shields. It is also the district's responsibility to make sure that supplies are replenished. Students who are waiting for parent pick-up with COVID-19 symptoms shall be issued an N-95 grade mask, and shall wear that mask until they exit the building. 

D. The district shall ensure that buildings have potable water at all times in sufficient quantities for staff and student use.

E. The district shall provide hand sanitizer and/or a portable washing station, sanitizing materials for every classroom or other employee workspace in the district. 

G. Due to the unexpected and unpredictable nature of the COVID 19 pandemic and the need to keep the school a safe place for students and staff, it is agreed that any staff member who is required to self-quarantine due to a positive test for COVID 19, will be required to stay off school premises without loss of pay or benefits until cleared to return to work by a medical professional. The district will be responsible for all medical expenses as a result of a school related COVID-19 exposure for any staff member who does not have district provided health insurance. The district shall be responsible for any copays and deductibles for those staff members that do have district provided health insurance. 

Quarantine Time will be covered by the following: 

Covid Related Absences School Related Verified Non-School Related 

Cannot Work Remotely Paid, No sick time charged while a sub takes over. 

Can Work Remotely Paid, No sick time charged while employee works from 


May use sick time to 

compensate for absences. 

Paid, No sick time charged while employee works from home. 

H. Even if there is a reduction in any individual’s daily/weekly assigned work hours and/or hours of participation in the district PRP, all members shall continue their employment for the school year and be paid their full year’s contractual wages. Any hours of work performed for the year in excess of what was initially contracted, shall be paid at the member’s hourly rate unless otherwise provided in a new job classification. 

Individual’s daily/weekly assigned work may be altered to minimize exposure between buildings. These will be considered temporary assignments for the 2020-2021 school year. At the end of the school year, all employees will return to their regular assignments as outlined in Attachment A. 

I. Support staff cannot be mandated to care for Covid symptomatic students. If a support staff cares for symptomatic students, this must be voluntary. If needed, additional resources shall be provided to assist in the caring of Covid symptomatic students. Support staff that care for Covid-symptomatic students will receive an additional stipend of $2.00 per hour. 

J. Each building shall maintain a quarantine/Isolation room large enough for students to socially distance while waiting for parent pick up. If the health aide/nurse is not available to assist in the care of Covid symptomatic students in this room, CPESP staff cannot be mandated to care for

students with COVID-19 symptoms, such care must be voluntary. 

K. For the start of the 2020-2021 school year all current transportation drivers will remain with the routes they last bid on in the 2019-2020 school year. They will be given the opportunity to bid on open noon runs and add ons Tuesday August 25, 2020. Drivers will be able to bid on future routes when conditions have normalized to ensure a consistent schedule for families. 

L. All support staff will be provided training and written processes for new cleaning and safety protocols.


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