Bargaining Update

Good morning members,
The bargaining team is excited to be heading to the table starting Thursday.  Some food for thought:  Even before Covid 19 hit, our district had exceeded their predictions for increasing the fund balance from year to year.  Currently they are at 17% .  For those of us who have been in CP a long time this is the highest it has ever been.  Even with predictions for cuts to the per pupil funding from the state, our district is financially secure and has the money to spend on it’s employees.  We are in a MUCH better position than many other districts.  So keep that in mind when voting on this year’s contract.  We have endured many cuts over the years and are looking for the district to invest back into it’s staff and students.  

Here are some of our goals:
-Steps and Salary increases for all employees (bringing up our salary schedule to be competitive with other districts in Kent County.)
-District pays the maximum state allowed amount (hard cap) for all employees, to keep members’ costs towards insurance down.
-Offer a low cost option for insurance for all employees.
-Improved Student Safety Language and Protocols (this is has especially been an issue with teachers and support staff at the lower elementary level.)
-Improved Class Sizes.
-Improved Planning Time and Configuration for the Elementary (bigger blocks of time for planning and limiting loss of planning time due to subbing.)
-District Provided opportunities for SCECH’s that will meet the new requirements for teacher recertification.

Keep checking the blog for updates!

Please thank your Bargaining Committee.  We have spent many many hours writing proposals and meeting virtually to prepare for this bargain.  I am so impressed with these members and their dedication to make CP a better place for ALL employees

Amanda Hite
Lisa Czypera
Tim Olson
Sarah Anderson
Maggie Parrish
Kathy Commeret
Sarah Weber
Kim Pfieffer
Harold Ebenstein 

Mandy Rodriquez


  1. Your AMAZING hard work is noticed. So grateful for your leadership. Knowing we are safe in your hands is so reassuring thank you!


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